Category : Our female dogs

  • She has been awarded in many morphology exhibitions, as a Champion Junior , Champion, Grand Champion of Greece , best teenager dog in the Mediterranean contest in 2012, Exhibition Winner dog in 2013.

    05 Jan
    05 Jan
  • Hebe came from the kennel Antico Cerberus in Italy. This specific kennel has cooperated with a famous kennel in France to carry out a mating.

    05 Jan
    05 Jan
  • Championesa, a dog who derives from the best blood teams of cane corso, such as Dei Dauni Conan, Simon, Portos and Zar Del Rosso Malpelo.

    05 Jan
    05 Jan
  • Cilva is a dog that comes from a selective mating of Hebe with a good dog of Greek breeding. Cilva has taken the best features from her ancestors. She is a very promising dog and has started to take part in morphology exhibitions.

    05 Jan
    05 Jan
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